Monday, February 06, 2006

Bill Maher

Sonja (my wife) and I managed to go out on Saturday and night (Thanks to Anke for babysitting) and saw Bill Maher at the Flint Center in Cupertino. I always enjoyed watching him on TV but he is really good in person. Cynical, very liberal and critical. Yeah some of his stuff is over the top but I like it. People who really like the current president of the United States and his administration should stay clear of a Bill Maher show. Although, on second thought, may be they should go to see the many ways in which they are wrong. Ooops, I think I got political here ... eh, whatever, one ion a while that's ok. But the fact theat I really like Bill Maher is probably sign enough what I think of the current presidency... Let's leave it at that. ;-)

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