Tuesday, May 23, 2006

PhD struggle

So here I am, done with all classes with one thing left to do. Write my PhD thesis. But first things first. I sort of have to know what I want to write about. And that's where the struggle starts. There is a lot interesting thiings to work on in the area of Search and Indexing, and there is a lot of things that are of interest to me. The only problem is that when working full-time, it is very hard to do something that lies completely outside your line of work. It is always better to be able to combine what you are doing at work with your thesis topic. And that's the challenge. Additionally, there is the challenge of keeping the thesis work in the foreground. The way it goes right now for me, that work is always the first thing to be pushed back and that I need to change. There is ways though to buy myself more time ... ;-). Check out the image below which is hosted at www.phdcomics.com:
"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com

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